Range Slider

The range slider is available in both Discover and Present, and is used to zoom in and out of Cartesian charts that contain large amounts of data. A Cartesian chart that contains many elements on the x-axis can be very difficult to navigate and read. Take, for instance, the line chart below, which shows sales by date. Such a chart can be quite challenging to interpret. While sometimes the solution may be to reduce the amount of data in the chart (for instance, by looking at months instead of dates), other times this isn't desirable.

  • Click here to learn about the range slider in Present.

Enabling the range slider (red highlight below) provides a way for the user to easily navigate and interpret the chart. The range slider shows a range and a preview of the chart; the slider itself indicates which part of the chart to display, and the size of the range to display. Drag the slider right or left to display a different range of data. The sides of the slider (green arrows below) can be dragged to expand or reduce the zoom size.

When working with bar charts, the range slider will be displayed on the side of the canvas:

Enable the Range Slider

The range slider can be enabled from the Component ribbon, or from the visualization itself.

From the Component ribbon, toggle the Range Slider button to turn it on or off. Open the Range Slider drop-down to change the slider's position on the canvas, or enable auto zoom.

From the visual, right click on the chart background and select Show Range Slider from the context menu:

Disable the Range Slider

To turn off the range slider, click the Range Slider button on the Component ribbon, or right click the chart background or the range slider and select Hide Range Slider from the context menu:

Range Slider Settings

Right click anywhere on the range slider to edit its settings from the context menu.

Zoom Out

Zoom all the way out to include the entire data range:

Auto Zoom

Zoom in, letting Pyramid decide the zoom size:

Turn off Mini Preview

Remove the mini preview of the chart from the range slider, which frees up space on the canvas:

Turn the mini preview back on opening the slider's context menu and selecting 'Turn on Mini-Preview':